Apprentice Plumbers
Do Apprentice plumbers need to be licensed?
Yes, Apprentice plumbers must be registered within thirty (30) days of starting work in order to receive credit towards their apprenticeship for hours worked.
Can an Apprentice plumber work alone?
First, second and third year Apprentices must be under direct supervision of a Master or Journeyman plumber. Fourth and fifth year Apprentices may work by themselves.
Can an Apprentice plumber receive hours other than working under a Master plumber?
Yes, the Board may grant hourly credit toward a term of apprenticeship when the applicant furnishes proof of previous practical experience in the trade, or individuals who are graduates of at least a nine (9) month plumbing program at an accredited school may be granted credit toward a term of apprenticeship, when an official copy of the school transcript is provided. Credit is based on grade point average.
Frequently Asked Questions
Sewer and Water
Apprentice Plumbers
Does North Dakota have a continuing education requirement for plumbers?
Yes, Journeyman and Master plumbers must complete at least four (4) credit hours within a two (2) year period.
When are exams given?
Please click here to see the exam schedule.
If a Master or Journeyman exam is failed, is there a waiting period before the exam can be taken again?
Yes, a plumber who has written and failed the exam will have to wait a six (6) month period before rewriting the exam.
When is an Apprentice plumber eligible to take the Journeyman exam?
After the Apprentice plumber can show proof of four (4) years working in the trade AND seven thousand six hundred (7600) hours of work experience under the supervision of a licensed Master plumber.
What is the fee for the Journeyman exam?
When is a Journeyman plumber eligible to take the Master exam?
After the Journeyman plumber can show proof of two (2) years of work experience working as a licensed Journeyman plumber.
What is the fee for the Master exam?
Who is required to carry a plumbing license in the state of North Dakota?
Any person performing plumbing in the state of North Dakota must be licensed with the North Dakota State Plumbing Board.
I am licensed in another state and want to become licensed in North Dakota, what do I need to do?
If you hold a license as an Apprentice, Journeyman or Master in a different state, along with the application you must qualify for and provide the following: (If you are licensed in South Dakota, Minnesota or Montana, please see Does North Dakota offer reciprocal licensing? listed below).
All applicants must meet the requirements of the North Dakota Administrative Code Chapter 62-02-01.
Applicants applying for an Apprentice license must be eighteen (18) years old and register within thirty (30) days after beginning of employment. Hours worked after the thirty (30) days without being registered will not be counted towards the apprenticeship and is in violation of State Law.
Applicants applying for an Apprentice license who are graduates of at least a nine (9) month plumbing program at an accredited school may be granted credit toward a term of apprenticeship, when an official copy of the school transcript is provided. Credit is based upon grade point average.
Applicants claiming practical experience from other states that do not require licensure, must complete the previous practical experience verification section that must be signed by the Master plumber. Also accompany the application with written letters from present and previous employers which must state dates of employment, number of hours worked during employment and the extent of work performed during employment. The written letters must be signed by the Master plumber and notarized by a notary public or a judge.
Applicants applying for a Journeyman license must have four (4) years AND seven thousand six hundred (7600) hours experience as an Apprentice plumber working under a licensed Master plumber.
Applicants applying for a Master license must be twenty-one (21) years of age and must have had two (2) years and three thousand four hundred (3400) hours experience as a licensed Journeyman plumber.
Applicants who are licensed in other states must verify proof of such license by state endorsed letter which must state the type of license held, issue date of said license, whether the license was obtained through examination and whether or not the license is current.
Does North Dakota offer reciprocal licensing?
North Dakota has written agreements with South Dakota, Minnesota and Montana. The application must be accompanied by a Certificate of Endorsement from the state in which you are licensed, not just a copy of your current license. Applications can be found by clicking here.
If you hold a current South Dakota Journeyman license and you are a resident of that state, you can apply for a North Dakota Journeyman license without examination. If you hold a current South Dakota Contractor license, you can apply for a North Dakota Master license without examination.
If you have held a Minnesota Journeyman license for at least one year and the license is current and you are a resident of that state, you can apply for a North Dakota Journeyman license without examination. If you have held a Minnesota Master license for at least one year and it is current, you can apply for a North Dakota Master license without examination.
If you hold a current Montana Journeyman or Master license, you can apply for a North Dakota Journeyman license without examination.
Do I need a plumbing license to... ?
Do I need a plumbing license to rod out drain lines?
Do I need a plumbing license to hook up irrigation sprinkler systems?
Do I need a plumbing license to hook up back flow preventers to the main water supply?
Do I need to be a licensed plumber to hook on to public water systems and sewers?
Yes, or a Sewer and Water Contractor license.
Do I need to be a licensed plumber to install septic tanks and drain fields?
No, but you must be licensed through that district’s Health Unit.
Plumbing Installation Certificates
What is a Plumbing Installation Certificate?
A form furnished by the North Dakota State Plumbing Board to report plumbing work that is subject to inspection.
When is a Plumbing Installation Certificate required?
Any plumbing installation that will require an inspection. The Master or Journeyman plumber or homeowner that is installing the plumbing should complete the Plumbing Installation Certificate and return it the board office along with the appropriate fees.
When are exams given?
Please click here to see the exam schedule.
If a Sewer and Water Contractor or Sewer and Water Installer exam is failed, is there a waiting period before the exam can be taken again?
Yes, a Sewer and Water individual who has written and failed the exam will have to wait a three (3) month period before rewriting the exam.
When is a Sewer and Water Apprentice plumber eligible to take the Installer exam?
After the Sewer and Water Apprentice can show proof of two (2) years and thirty four hundred (3400) hours installing sewer and water under the supervision of a licensed Sewer and Water Contractor.
What is the fee for the Sewer and Water Installer exam?
When is a Sewer and Water Installer eligible to take the Sewer and Water Contractor exam?
After the licensed Sewer and Water Installer can show proof of one (1) year and one thousand seven hundred (1700) hours installing sewer and water under the supervision of a licensed Sewer and Water Contractor.
What is the fee for the Sewer and Water Contractor exam?
Who is required to carry a Sewer and Water license in the state of North Dakota?
Any person installing sewer and water in the state of North Dakota must be licensed with the North Dakota State Plumbing Board, except for Master plumbers that are licensed in the state of North Dakota.
I am licensed in another state and want to become licensed in North Dakota, what do I need to do?
If you hold a license as a Sewer and Water Apprentice, Installer or Contractor in a different state, along with the application you must qualify for and provide the following:
All applicants must meet the requirements of the North Dakota Administrative Code Chapter 62-02-03 and the North Dakota Century Code 43-18.2.
Applicants who are licensed in other states must complete the previous practical experience verification section that must be signed by the Sewer and Water Contractor, or accompany the application with written letters from present and previous employers which must state dates of employment, number of hours worked during employment and the extent of work performed during employment. The written letters must be signed by the Sewer and Water Contractor and notarized by a notary public.
Applicants claiming practical experience from North Dakota must complete the previous practical experience verification section that must be signed by the Sewer and Water Contractor. Or accompany the application with written letters from present and previous employers which must state dates of employment, number of hours worked during employment and the extent of work performed during employment. The written letters must be signed by the Sewer and Water Contractor and notarized by a notary public.
Applicants applying for a Sewer and Water Installer license must hold a current Sewer and Water Apprentice license and provide proof of two (2) years and thirty four hundred (3400) hours installing sewer and water under the supervision of a licensed Sewer and Water Contractor.
Applicants applying for a Sewer and Water Contractor license must hold a current Sewer and Water Installer license and provide proof of one (1) year and one thousand seven hundred (1700) hours installing sewer and water under the supervision of a licensed Sewer and Water Contractor.
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Pay for your 2022 North Dakota State Plumbing Board Continuing Education fee for Master and Journeyman Plumbers.
Submit Plumbing Installation Certificate
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Search for licensed plumbers, sewer and water individuals and water conditioning individuals in the State of North Dakota.